My research and writing spans a wide range of issues in the environmental science field, including climate change and sea level rise, marine-based renewable energy, and ecology. I also write travel essays, fiction, and editorials. My recently published work includes:

East Oaklanders Stand Their Ground
Knee Deep Times, November 2021.
What does resilience mean in one of the Bay Area and California’s most flood vulnerable communities? With physical and cultural barrier-breaking events like shoreline bike rides and youth environmental leadership development, East Oakland residents are taking a stand that they deserve an accessible and resilient shoreline. Click here to read the full article.

A Pandemic? Social Unrest? The Rich get Richer Through it All.
Sierra Magazine, January 2021.
Choosing to invest in the stock market supports a financial system that exacerbates inequality, a system where 10 percent of investors own 90 percent of the wealth. Even if you are invested in green or socially-responsible funds it’s worth taking a close look at what your money is supporting. So-called “socially-responsible” retirement funds can be invested in anything from terrible pharmaceutical companies to a host of monopolistic, tax-evading, misogynistic tech companies. But there is a way to use your retirement money to invest in your local community, and not in unethical companiesClick here to read the full article.

Interested in more? Check out my Published Work page.